I was in Dillard's today and got attacked by the bra natzis. Something about if I got a professional fitting, Dillard's would make a donation to the Komen foundation, and did I realize that 8 out of 10 women are wearing the wrong size bra. I said, yes I did know that, and as a matter of fact 8 of the last 10 bras I have purchased don't fit. ( I realize that for you men, this is already TMI, but it is crucial to the story, and the women are already feeling my pain.)
So, I said okay and she called for Ruby. Ruby took one look at me and said, "Girl! You're the same size as me! You wear a XX-X! I was thinking to myself ,"Unless you used to work at the Guess Your Weight booth at the carnival...I doubt it". She whipped out the tape measure, and she was exactly right. Then she loaded me up and sent me to the dressing room, and I came out with 3, count 'em THREE different bras that fit.
Now that she had my undying admiration and eternal gratitude, I told her how impressed I was with her spiritual gift. She said that after 25 years of doing this for Dillard's in New Orleans, she was usually right. I asked her how long ago she had lived in New Orleans. She said, "Up until the hurricane took everything I had. I stayed at the Superdome from Sunday to Friday. And it was everything you heard it was. People were animals. Then they bussed us to here and then to the First Baptist church, and everyone has been so nice and kind. I'm living with a lady in Dillard's accounting office. It's just me."
I asked her if she had found a church home. "Well, I have been visiting a few places, but...what church do you go to?" I told her, RECofC, and that I would love to come and get her for worship Sunday. As we were exchanging phone numbers, she said, "Church of Christ...hmmmm....I bet ya'll really praise the Lord!" "Yes, ma'am, we lov..."That's what I'm talking 'bout! None of this Baptist church sittin' on your hands...afraid everyone's all lookin' at ya kind of singin', I wanna clap and sing with all my heart and soul and body!" I said, "Or, we could go to Central Dallas Ministries... Ruby, I'm afraid we are a sittin' on your hands kind of church, but we need someone to help us loosen up! Will you still come with me?" She said she would, but, Dan, she may join the praise team whether you ask her to or not.
As I was putting her number in my purse, she stuck my card in her bra. So, I pulled her paper out of my purse and tucked it in my bra and said, "Ruby, you will always be my bosom buddy." She said, "You know that's right!"