Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I'm That Grandmother!

I would like for it to go on record that I have shown tremendous restraint since I found out that Matt & Kyla were having a baby. I didn't buy anything until I found out if we were having a boy or a girl. Well, except for the Willow Tree figurine for Kyla. You know, the one where she is pregnant, but that was also to add to her collection. And that was all.

oh, and a clock for the nursery. And we gave Matt a Jeep brand baby pouch/carrier for Father's Day...okay, so I bought a few things, but just trust me when I say, I didn't get everything I thought about getting.

But I especially held off buying any generic clothes. I did find a cute little white onesie at Target that said something fun on the front in black print, but that was to frame, not to wear, so that didn't count.

Fast fwd to the day Matt called and asked what I was doing, and in fact I was at Sport's Authority getting Drew a no-sweat golf shirt. He said, "Well, while you're there, you might pick up a baseball mitt for your grandson!" A boy! Mark! Perfect! Some of my favorite people started out as baby boys!

Matt's birthday was in September, so we gave him Father/Son Tampa Bay Rays baseball t-shirts. Mark's was on sale for $3 at Marshall's. I don't think that qualifies as buying baby clothes, do you?

Last week, I was in Macy's to return some dishes. On the way to the down escalator, I walked by the baby department. They were having a sale, so I browsed the racks. "Cute, cute, cute, too girly, cute, white?!, oh! how cute, probably will get a lot of those at the shower, cute, cute."

I started to leave with my great restraint when a little old(er) grandmother tapped me on the arm and said, "Which one of these should I buy?" And there she was, holding cute, cute, and the perfect outfit for Mark! I hadn't seen that one. I quickly scanned the rack again to see if I had missed it, and it was obvious that she had the only one left.

You can imagine my moral dilemma.

"Well," I began nervously, "they're all cute. When is the baby due?"

"October." she said.

"These two would probably be more practical for winter weather," I said as I steered her away from Mark's perfect outfit.

"We don't get much winter here," she said. "This one's cute, too," she had the nerve to say while she was holding Mark's perfect outfit.

"Yes," I said as indifferently as possible. "But you know young parents these days. Go, go go! They'll probably be going north for the winter and won't you be the hero for giving them one of these other two adorable rompers!"

"Put it back! OH, PULEEZE PUT MARK'S PERFECT OUTFIT BACK ON THE THE RACK!", I screamed silently. I found myself reaching to take it out of her little old wrinkled hand.

"I guess I'll get this one," she said, referring to one of the other cute ones.

"Good choice!" I said. She turned and walked over to get her daughter's approval. When she did, I snatched Mark's perfect outfit off of the rack and ran as fast as I could to the nearest checkout, only to encounter the slowest checkout girl on the planet. Yeah, yeah, brand new terminals, whatever, just hurry up! NO! I don't want to donate any money to any diseases! I must have said that last part out loud, because she looked at me like I was evil, so I said okay.

I felt just a little bit guilty about the whole incident, so I called Matt to confess. "Am I going to be that grandmother?" I asked?

Matt was still laughing, "Man, I sure hope so!"

p.s. Since I bought Mark's perfect outfit using part of the credit I had from returning the dishes, it's not really even like I used money to buy it. So technically, I still haven't bought him any clothes. Pretty good restraint, don't you think?!


Stephanie said...

You are definitely showing restraint! You are going to be the coolest grandmother (but don't let my mom hear that! She is the coolest too! :) Baby stuff is the funnest stuff ever to buy!

Unknown said...

Well, I am not ever going to ask you which thing you think I should buy. You'll just steer me wrong and grab the good stuff for yourself! Thanks for the warning!

Lynn Leaming said...

Well who else would you be but the best grandma in the world? So what is Mark going to call you and Drew? I just know it will be something precious!

Amberly said...

A boy... how fun!! Mark is so lucky to have you as his grandmother! I'm curious too... what will he call you?

Unknown said...

Whatever kind of grandmother you are...you will be wonderful! What a funny story!

Kaitlin said...

I think I would be the same way. In fact, I'm not even a mother and I just want to buy clothes for the babies I know.

I was thinking the other day while I was at church that "I could be the next Carolyn McBryde" meaning the one who takes care of everybody's kids during church and loves on every family. But then I thought; you could never be replaced. So I settled for the "creepy girl who wants to hold everyones baby." I think I have a problem when it comes to kids. Maybe thats why I'm going to be a teacher.

Anyways, congratulations on the grandson!

Matt McBryde said...

Great blog! You ARE going to be a great grandma! That is a funny story, I'm glad you wrote about it!

Love ya,


Anonymous said...

For about 18 years, I have been "Grams" to our Korean grandkids. I'm not sure if I'll stick with that to the McGrandkids or if that will just be my Korean grandmother name. It may depend on what pops out of Mark's mouth. Any suggestions?

Kaitlin, honey! You just keep loving on those babies. RE doesn't need another me, they need aunt Kaitlin!

Unknown said...

Man, I guess we need to have a baby soon before all the GOOD names are taken!! Especially since I'm destined to have a boy. :\

Anonymous said...

You will be a wonderful grandmother. There's nothing sweeter. I'm really glad we have a girl this time around, so you don't take all the cute outfits!

You are missed!
Stephanie Bingham

Brooke said...

Great post! I'm wondering what this perfect outfit looks like. I've only bought my little Audrey one thing. I bought it because it was half off and I had not bought anything yet. Let me know if you find a cute Christmas girl outfit somewhere.

Anonymous said...

i'll keep my eyes open...I love a mission. EVERY Christmas outfit will be cute on Audrey!

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