Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ode to My Neti Pot

Dinner time was all for naught.
I couldn't taste the food I bought.

My throat was sore, my head was hot,
It must have been the flu I caught.

"It's only getting worse," I thought.
So Dr. Oz's help I sought.

On Oprah's show there was a spot,
With some girl rinsing out her snot.

At closer glance, I looked at what
Was in her hand...a neti pot?!

And at the store that's what I got.
Not a penicillin shot.

Now I can breathe, since I have taught
Myself to use a neti pot.

Thank you, Neti! Thanks a lot!


Heather said...

Love the poem!!

I have several patients who have come in raving about the neti pot...guess I will have to officially check it out!

Unknown said...

I've heard it is great - glad it worked for you! And I really enjoyed the poem.

Anonymous said...

Last night I was reading a newspaper article about them and commented to my husband about it and he stated that he attempted the other day to use our big green gardenening can as one and it helped his sinus' a lot.... but the spout was a little too big to go in easily- I was cracking up! I actually have a neti pot on my shopping list for the weekend. Looking to forward to more of your poetry...
Suzanne N.

Lynn Leaming said...

When I saw that episode of Oprah I told Steve he needed to get one for his constant sinus problems and he did and it has really helped him. Would I ever think to write a poem about it? Don't think so, but that is what makes you our Carolyn!!

Amberly said...

LOVE IT!!! I have contemplated getting one for a long time now, but since moving to the Philippines, my allergies have disappeared!! YEA! Now, when we move back to TX, I'm sure I'll be at the drugstore with a neti pot in hand! My mom has one also & loves hers! She lives in cedar country... hell for someone with allergies.

kristyk said...

I've been trying to get Katelyn and Abby to get one. Oh how I miss you Miss Carolyn. It never quits snowing here in Colorado and the people don't understand us Texans.

Stephen Bailey said...

Booger free sense February! Preach it!

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