This is Drew getting an autograph from a very famous person.
Drew had a bout with the flu which came with fever which turned into cabin fever, so we went out for breakfast yesterday. Matt told us that he had heard about a place on ESPN called The Broken Egg, and it sounded like it wasn't too far from our house.
The waitress asked us how we found them, and Drew said we heard about it on ESPN. Which is true, in a roundabout way. She said, "Oh yes, Mr. Vitale! He's right over there having breakfast and he would be happy to sign autographs and have his picture made with you!"
Which was great except that, well, we had no idea who Mr. Vitale was or what he looked like. She could see our blank stares and then she said, "He's the older gentleman over there...gray hair on the sides/bald on the top."
We leaned across the table to get a look. Here's the problem with that description. Every other man in Florida is an older gentleman with gray hair on the sides/bald on top. The other ones have bad toupees.
I know this because my sister detests toupees. She can spot 'em a mile away. In fact, she began to make a little "I Spy" game out of it with the boys from a very early age. "Rug alert 2:00!"
It was whispered with as little pointing and snickering as possible.
I chalked it up to aunt/nephew bonding time, and became impressed with the boys' ability to comment on hairy situations accurately. And in an age of digital clocks, I thought it helped them learn to tell time as well.
Matt didn't seem to get into it as much as Scott did. Scott had the gift. I'm not saying I'm proud of that...I'm just sayin'. He never got the whispering part down very well, so we learned new games to play in public.
Anyway, after making phone calls to the boys and being reassured that they would indeed like an autograph from Mr. Basketball, we bought a couple of his books and he signed mini basketballs for them.
He also threw in a couple of posters of himself with girls from Hooters and asked who I wanted him to personalize them for. When I said I couldn't think of anyone right off hand, he said, "Well take them and you can give them to whoever you want!"
So! John S.(preacher) and David B.(ACU Bible major), I have a couple of posters for you. Not to worry, I drew turtle neck sweaters on the girls so you can hang it in your church office or dorm room.
I heard the man is being inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame. Who new?
Awesome, Baby!
Wow! You met Dick Vitale! Okay, so I'm showing my roots - North Carolina is the heart of basketball country BABY! Dickie V. as we called him was a favorite on many an Alantic Coast Conference campus when I was at school.
Still love checking in on your blog. You have a gift for making any story funny!
Hope to see another one soon!
Kelley Thomas
I actually knew that one also! :) Fun guy to listen to.
I am so glad I could not be envious as I did not have a clue who this gentleman was either!
How can someone care so little and be so lucky???
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